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2023-04-22 04:17:05 来源:互联网


1、一、单项选择1-5 ABDAB 6-10 DCBBC 11-15 BDDAD二、适当形式填空1. shopping 2. freezing 3. showery 4. joking 5. usually6. be 7. did… arrive 8. to go 9. rain 10. to improve三、完成句子1. best … arrive in2. to bring … because … to take photos3. pleasant to4. Compared to 5. not only … but also …6. What might / may … be like7. depend on8. When … best … to visit9. great fun to / very interesting to10. probably … strong四、句型转换1. How is2. What will … be like3. isn’t it4. too … skate on5. How long might6. What’s the weather like / How is the weather7. possible to8. from time to time9. will there10. a good idea to五、完形填空1-5 DCABD 6-10 CDADD六、阅读理解A 1-5 BCCAAB 1. Bangalore.2. It’s famous as the world’s biggest R&D centre outside the US.3. More than half of India’s people.。



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